Our Leadership
Get to know our spiritual leaders
Meet Our Team --
Our Elders
Ron Wheelerand his wife, Shelley
Lee Wilsonand his wife, Michelle
Dan Klausand his wife Wanda
Our Staff
Dr. Rick JanelleMinister, and his wife, Tammy
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> RJ's Book "Rocks for Families" on Amazon.com
Shelley WheelerOffice Manager
Nicole HallChildren's Education Ministery Leader and her husband Chris.
Daniel WebsterAssociate Minister and his wife, Qui.
Deacons and Ministry Leaders
Darrell HansonFinance and his wife, Cindy.
Jim JansenFacilities & Technology and his wife, Debra.
Rob McIntosh Evangelism/Local Outreach and his wife, Jonna Sue.
Thomas TaylorWorship
Ray Kline Audio Visual
Jerry SeamanBenevolence and his wife, Christine.
Landon DickenChildren's Ministry Deacon and his wife, Lora.